Page 10 - YB_1982
P. 10


                  Don South               Kevin Ingemansen             Steve Lawson             Mary Lou  Adams
                 Superintendent             H.S. Principal            Elem. Principal           Art, Kindergarten

                 Tom Becker                 James Brailey             Cindy Dornbush             Dan Dornbush
               Math, Girls' B.B., P.E.        Science                    English             Mod. Prob., F.B., B.B., P.E.

                 Robert Haag                David Kistler              Amy Miller                 Philip Miller
                 Bus.  Ed., V.B.           English, Drama                Music                    Vo-Ag, FFA

                 Shirley Miller           Meredith McGowan            Gary O'Daniels             Delvin Orrgies
                7th  &  8th English       Library-Media Spec.         Counselor, Phys.       Gov., Am. History, F. B., G.T

             The average teaching career  in  a school system  is  5 years,   Mr.  P.  Miller,  24  years.  The other tenure at Mead  is  Mrs.  S.
           but  at  Mead  the  average  is  7  years.  We  have  a  total  of 26   Miller,  20  years;  Mr.  R.  Haag,  18  years;  Mr.  D.  Kistler,  15
           teachers  working  at  Mead  and  their  tenure  adds  up  to  a   years;  Mrs.  V.  Westergard,  15  years;  Miss  M.  L.  Adams,  10
           grand total of 184 years of teaching at Mead.      years;  Mrs.  R.  Abercrombie, 9 years;  Mrs.  I.  Barrett, 8 years;
             The teacher who has  been teaching at Mead the longest is   Mr.  S.  Lawson.  8  years;  Mrs.  M.  Young,  7  years;  Mr.  T.
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