Page 5 - YB_1982
P. 5


                                              Kiss me goodbye,           I'm running to meet it,
                                              Hold back your tears.      My arms open wide.
                                              Wish me well,              This is life, it's for living.
                                              Don't voice your fears.    I'm not going to hide.
                                              This is it-                So wish me good luck,
                                              I'm on my way.             Please try to see,
                                              Today is gone,             I don't love you less,
                                              Tomorrow's a new day.      I just want to dream until
                                              I can't stay here to wait   my dreams come true.
                                              For my ship to come in.
                                              I know it's coming,        Angie
                                              I'm not sure when.           Kardis

                                                       Table of Contents

                                                Dedications                                 2-3
                                                Staff  ..                                   6-7

                                                Seniors                                     8-9
                                                Students                                 10-15

                                                Athletics                                18-29

                                                Clubs  ............. .                   31-39
                                                Activities  .......... .                 45-55
                                                              Mead Public School
                                                             Mead, Nebraska 68041
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