Page 7 - YB_1982
P. 7

She Is Just Away
                                                                                         I cannot say, and I will  not say
                                                                                            that she is dead -
                                                                                             she is  just away'
                                                                                            with a cheery smile,
                                                                                          and a wave of the hand,
                                                                                            she has wandered
                                                                                           into an unknown land.
                                                                                       And left us dreaming how very fair
                                                                                             It needs must be
                                                                                           since she lingers there.
                                                                                        So think of her faring on, as  dear
                                                                                            In the love of There
                                                                                            as the love of Here;
                                                                                            Think of her still
                                                                                            as the same, I say:
                                                                                            She is  not dead 0
                                                                                             She is  just away!
                                                                                          James Whitcomb Riley

                                                                            Shelly  McEvoy  was  born  on June 2,  1965  in  Omaha,
                                                                           Nebraska.  She  was  the  daughter  of  Bill  and  Judy
                                                                           McEvoy.  Shelly  first  attended  Mead  Public Schools  in
                                                                           September  of  1978,  when  she  and  her  family  moved
                                                                           from  California.  Other  family  members  include  Mary,
                                                                           Dan,  Tracy  and  Tammy.  Shelly  was  not  only  a  good
                                                                           student  but  was  also  involved  in  many  extra  curricular
                                                                           activities:  Pep  Club,  FFA,  Band,  Chorus,  Basketball,
                                                                           Volleyball,  Track,  Student  Council,  M-Ciub  and  par-
                                                                           ticipated in  softball during the summer.
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