Page 38 - YB_1985
P. 38
The FHA has added many new
things to their organization
such as increasing membership
from 35 to 57, and having 17
males as members. The Mead
chapter had the most
member increase in their dis-
In September the FHA had a
fund raiser selling Heath candy
bars for Halloween. An Ice
Cream Social was also at an
organizational meeting. On
October 1Oth, the District
Convention was held at Fort
Calhoun. At this Convention,
Diane Gustafson was elected
a State Officer Candidate. In
November, there was a family
potluck supper and a pumpkin
and gourd decoration con-
test. Also in November, Traci
Nelson and Diane Gustafson
attended the National Cluster
Meeting in Kansas City, Mis-
souri. In December the FHA
participated in SEARCH events
at Tekamah Herman and
received 6 gold medals, and 2
silver medals. Also in
December they had Secret
Santa's. In February there was
a Sweetheart Dance with the also received a gold medal
FFA. Then in March, the old and Kim McKay received a
officers kidnapped the new bronze. Also in April there was
officers and went to Elsie's a fund raiser to sell cookbooks
Cafe for breakfast. In April to send Diane to Salt Lake City
there was State Convention. to a National meeting. In late
Diane Gustafson was elected April they held the FFA-FHA
to a State Office and Traci Banquet, and gave out
Nelson was elected a District SEARCH awards, along with
office. Our Chapter received many other awards. The new
the Red Rose Chapter Award. officers were also installed at
The SEARCH A wards that went the banquet. They are Diane
to State competition were Gustafson - President, Shelly
LeAnne Gustafson, Leticia Asper - Vice-President, Traci
Martines, and Sheri Huddle Nelson-Sec.-Treas., Raquel La-
who received a gold. Holly Croix - Encounter Chairperson,
Svoboda, Roger Conrad, Traci and Staci Hass - Historian.
Nelson, and Diane Gustafson,