Page 9 - YB_1990
P. 9

Junior  class  attendants  Cortney  Couch,  and  Freshman attendants,  Stuart Nadgwick,  and  Carrie  Weible,  sophomore  atten-
    Judy Johnson                           dants,  Kent  Langemeier,  and  Nicole  Williams.

    The senior girl athlete response is given  The senior boy athlete response is given by Bar- Athletic  Booster  Club  President,  Joan
    by  Brenda Fick.                  ry  Mayfield                            Maly, comments on the years progress.

    The  Army  Senior Scholar  Athlete  award  Principal,  Rick  Williams,  presents  the  LARRY  Rich Maly, and Jim Edins, booster club
    winners are Brenda Fick,  and  Matt Svob-  BECKER  award to  Matt Svoboda.   officers,  help  serve  the  beef  and  the
    oda.                                                                      ham.
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