Page 46 - YB_1996
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The AthletiC Banquet was a t1me for the coaches to recog-
nize thetr outstandmg players and for the student body to
choose the athletes that performed excellent 111 all events. ThiS
year's athletic king and queen were Derek Kellams and Lori
Nelson: the JUntor attendants were Matt Rasmussen and
Annette Williams: sophomore attendants. Eddie Couch and
Lynsey Moltne: and the freshman attendants. Regan Else and
Darsey Moltne
The Larry Becker award reciptents were Sarah Maly and
Derek Kellams. Matt Rasmussen and Annette Willian'S recetved
the United States Army Reserve Nattonal Scholar/Att>lete
Award. Se111or Reflections were gtven by Lon Nelson and Derek
Kellams. Also. reflections of the past athletiC events this year at
Mead Htgh School were presented 1n vtdeo by David fllt~on
Included 111 the video was a reflection of Robyr Maly's past year
at Mead 1n athletics
Ftfteen athletes received a 3-sport letterĀ· Semor. Derek Kel-
lams: Juntors. Monte Else and Matt Rasmussen: Sophomores.
Dan Bontrager. Eddte Couch. Jacki Dahl. Jamie Haag. Lynsey
Moline. Aaron Nelson. Ntck Thorson: Freshmen Regan Else.
Darsey Moline. Ronn1e Novak. Adam Petersen and Lindsay
~ATHLETIC ROYALTY . . on Nelson and Derek Kellams were
crowned queen and k111g.
T Attendants Regan Else. Darsey Mol111e. Eddte Couch.
Lynsey Moline. Matt Rasmussen and Kan Konecky.
Let's eat! Vanous athletes watt
pattently for their dinner
.A.JOINING THE ARMY? Matt Rasmussen and Annette
Williams receive the Army Reserve Scholar/Athlete Award
~LORI ' S STORY: "When I was a freshman. I realized that I
was a 90-pound weakling: now that I'm a senior. I've realized
nothing's changed ..
42 Honors Night