Page 50 - YB_1996
P. 50
Graduation Day
The graduating class of 1996
consisted of 1 5 students, seven
girls and eight boys. The class
motto was "We'll find a way or
make our own". flower. lily: col
ors. navy and cream
The Mead Band played "Pomp
and Circumstance during the
Aura Cook was the Valedicto-
rian. and Kristin Frahm was
Salutatonan. Each gave a speech
remembenng the1r school days
and thank1ng fam1ly, friends and
teachers for the1r support.
Several scholarships were
given during the ceremony: Lon
Nelson received the Nels Paul THE DAY THEY'VE ALL BEEN WAITING
son Scholarship: Kayla Chns- FOR. The graduates walk 1n to the mus1c of
tensen was the alternate. "Pomp and Circumstance" performed by the
Kristin, Aura. Kayla. and Lori Mead Band. d1rected by Enc Snyder Top
row: Becki Scheele and Aaron Carntt. Kevm
sang "One Moment in Time" for r 1sda and Kay1a Chnsten .en T J P1ckenng
the graduation ceremony ond Aura Cc •k Middle row: Dan Knne~ky
A slide show that showed and Kristm Frahm. Byron Ma< e and Dma
baby and graduation pictures of G1 ~rdes. Lori Nelsun and Joey Jon 3' Bottom
the sen1or class was also shown row: Tr·~y Kadavy. Sara Maly and Der •k Kel
After the ceremony the grad- ams
Below: Valed1c.tor•an Aura Cook. and Sillu-
uates. friends and family mem ta •nan. Knstm Frahm. g1ve the1r speeches
bers dispersed to attend the during the ceremony
receptions for the graduates.
46 We'll find a way