Page 14 - YB_2001
P. 14

Hofohvt;r  Ovtto r{jvt0 P ~et

               '(l ~nior Trip fuwn ~mory hanfl

                                        Fun Field Day - Qeft) Andrea GJyle, Anneke
                                        GJsta•son, Ang1e Miller, and Sara Konecky lean on
                                        e Jch c ther a· ter an exhaust1ng day c  elementary
                                         1•dday  d *rv'tles.
                                        Homecoming Seniors - (r c;Jht) Ang1e M ler, Amy
                                        t?  '·  mu;  c,et  . Anneke GJsta•:.,on, Sara Konec.:Ky,
                                        Jnd homP-ecm~ng queen Andrea GJy'P pose at the r
                                        ":>t homewm~ng dc~r ~e.

     ''I remember having  to  sit on  the   "I remember running  up  the  hill  to  "When we were about five, Amy and
     bench every  day  during  lunch.  I   retrieve  the  kick-ball  for  recess,  and  I used to  play in my  barn.  One day,
     also  remember having  to  be quiet   the teachers yelling at me to get back  as she was getting ready to leave, she
     when  the  projector  that  dictated   on  the  playground."   Amy  walked  right  out of the  top  door of
     our noise  level  turned  yellow."  -  Rasmussen                      my  barn,  knocking  the  wind  out of
     Jeff Schultz                                                          herself."  - Anneke  Gustafson

     ''When  Angie  and  I  were  in
     second grade.  we  told a classmate                                    "In  fifth  grade,  I
     if she stuffed herself into a locker                                   attended  a  church
     and  let  us  get  her  out,  she  would                               function  and  spotted
     be cool.  She did just that, and  we                                   my     crush   from
     left her there.  screaming.  We ran                                    outside.  Wanting  to
     as  fast  as  we  could  to  get  away,                                impress    him,    I
     but Ms.  Edins sprinted after us.'' -                                  qu1ckly  opened  the
     Andrea  Guyle                                                          door  and  confidently
                                                                            swung  from  around
     ''Once, when I was eight years old,                                    the  door into  the door
     I  threw  a  glass  bottle  at  a  brick                               divider!  At least I got his attention."
     wall  and the  glass  shot  back and   It's Party Time - Ang1e, Andrea, Anneke, and   - Jenny  Feeney
     hit me in  the  leg.  I  sat funny  for   SG~ra :elebrateAmy's n1nth t:>1rthday party at
     the  rest  of  the  day."  - Danny   Grandpa Johr's Pumpk1n Patch.     "One  day,  my  friend  and  I  were
     Nicola                                                                 climbing  trees,  and  I  told  her if she
                                                                            really  loved  her  crush,  she  would
                '·My  mother  used  to   "Once,  when I  was  about five,  I got   jump off.  By the end of the day, I'd
                tell  me  if I  got  too   myself lost  in  Kmart.  While  my   had  her jumr.  from  every  limb  on
                close to trains I would   mom  was  shopping,  I  hid  under  a   that  tree,  untll  she  nearly  broke  her
                get  sucked  under.     clothes  rack,  waiting  to  scare  her.   ankle."  - Jenny  Kinzie
                This  is  why  Andrea   After waiting a half an hour, I started
                 had  to  walk  me over   to  cry, and a man found me and took   "When  I  was  about  six,  Cole  and I '
                the  tracks  every  day   me  to  her."  - Dave  Baltz      used  to  play  Cowboys  and  Indians.
    ...._ ___ .....  after  kindergarten                                    We'd wrap ourselves up in blankets,
     class.''  - Sara  Konecky          "I used  to  set my  Smurf lunch pail   bide in  ditches, and throw sharpened
                                        next  to  Andrea's  Barbie  lunch  pail   sticks  at each other."  - Jerid Cooper
                                        in  pre-school  because  I  had  a  big
     "A few  years  ago,  Danny  and  I   crush  on  her - that is,  until  she  shut  "Once,  my  great-grandmother
     were in  my  garage.  playing  with   me  down."  - Dave Rasmussen     decided  to  take  my  sister and  me  to
     guns.  He shot off me with my BB-                                      Hardees  for  breakfast,  and  a  movie
     aun.  Even  though  it  wasn't                 "I  remember  David  in  the  afternoon.  She  decided  the
     Foaded,  I was  mad,  so I picked up           Rasmussen  finding  theater popcorn  was  too  expensive,
     my loaded pellet gun and shot him              out  that  our  sixth-  so  she  tried  to  smuggle  her  own in   1
     in  the  leg.'  - Anthony  Push
                                                    grade  pet  rabbit,  Mrs.  with a grocery bag; she was  caught."
                                                    Flopsy  Hopsy,  was  - Cheryl  Storm
                                                    actually a Mr." -Angie
     "When  I     attended  Trinity
     Lutheran in  Fremont,  my  friends             Miller
     and  I  would  break  out  into
     wrestling  matches  when  the
     teacher  left  the  room."  - Nate
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