Page 15 - YB_2001
P. 15
I e1m unique Not so new kk::t
beCClUSe ... remember ...
"I am not a "I was a little
Wait For The Beat! - Kelly Konecky and Lon and L1"'a Rasmussen pose on the
follower; I nervous
·r lr, wa1t1ng 'or the1r next danr,e move. am my own before I got
man."-Kevin to school
Sleeper the first day,
but after I
saw all the
Cheerleading is out; drill does," said Renae Blum. trucks in the parking lot, I
team is in. Whether the Though many of the ··ram was ok." -Casey Bryan
program will continue members have less than physically
past this year has yet to be optimistic views on the stronger than
discovered, but drill team team's future, there are still most people
members have made their those positive student my age."- ·'When I first
predictions. body members who be- Arthur Burge came to
"I think drill team will lieve in the team's success. Mead, I was
die out eventually, be- Jessica Johnson is con- r e a I I y
cause many of the mem- fident that the team com- "My hair nervous
a b o u t
bers complain about the prised of young, enthusi- color changes fitting in,
scheduled practices," said astic members will survive, every week." - especially
Lori Rasmussen. "Some because they dance to Tabitha Sweet about where I would sit at
seem only to stay because more stylish music and are lunch" - Jenny Kinzle
they've spent money on supported more by the stu-
their uniforms." dents than cheerleaders.
Even some of the Former cheerleader ~o4fL ~d AI~
youngest members view Sherry Moyers agreed with
the new dance team as a Jesse, saying, "There are 13~()l+'t~ 5/;vof&tt -'( ~ M
mere fad. more people who show
"Everyone is really into committment to the drill N tZJJJ 13-vtt.Y\(thivt.!
the drill team now, but I team, unlike cheerleading
think it will fade out, just last year which simply
like everything else died out." New house. Ela did not come to
New family. spruce up her math scores,
New school. though. She joined the
New coun- foreign exchange pro-
try! Every- gram to learn to speak
thing is un- better English, a task that
Strike A Pose -Sw1ng cho1r
mf'mbe~ Am:y , >r , and L1sa familiar to even Americans have dif-
Rdsrnus"'e~. . ne~ wrtr Sara Koneay .....:~;:;;;;.:;__. Polish ex- ficulty mastering .
and ,ln'1 er Feeney stnKe a pose change student Ela Another of many obser-
dur rg the re~earsa c' one of the1r Rzepnicka. vations Ela has made
songs. (Amarda .ohnsor not One thing that baffles about Americans is our
this sixteen year-old math- demeanor.
ematician, who joins this "Polish people always
To add a little pizazz to Johnson coaxes herself year's senior class in Phys- look sad," she said.
her musical career, Amy that she's up on stage to ics and Calculus, is "Here, everyone smiles
Rasmussen joined Mead's have fun, but she can not America's school system. and greets everyone they
new swing choir. help but get slightly ner- "Many of the things see.''
"Swing choir is more vous when all eyes are on Americans learn in high Ela looks forward to her
fun than choir class, be- her. school. we (Polish stu- return to Torun, Poland,
cause the songs are more Sara Konecky and Lori
fashionable and we cho- Rasmussen, on the other dents) are taught in el- where she will reunite
reogra~h our own hand, laugh in the face of ementary and junior high," with her boyfriend, and
dances, ' said Amy. pressure. said Ela. ··we also study return to her hobbies of
When performance time "I get a rush from per- 15 subjects instead of painting and excelling in
comes, however, some of forming," said Sara. "Lori eight.'' math.
the choir members turn a and I like being in front of
shade of white. Amanda people." New Additions 11