Page 30 - YB_2002
P. 30
:">1a,.k Trcplmv Tim :'\nnbeusl
Fmily Bcr<Jmun Kullc &lunicll
ShootiJ-'\g fo~ the Sta~s
J~. -1-ligh basketbalf athfetes get
~eady fo~ thei~ high schoof
yea~s vvith p~actice,
p~actice, p~actice.
-A w om of :Adllice - ciebsie Guylc. ciacyln Thorson, and EmilyBcc<JiltUil liBlcn closch a.> Coach Bi.g on "D" - ;\falhan Thoeson l LSCS his hei9hllo his
Bei9ham tells hce loom what she wanL> clone in the second half. adoo.•<~e as he 9cL> L'<-ud) lo play defense.
26 Junior High Winter Sports