Page 34 - YB_2002
P. 34
Up and OJe., - (righll Bra.d SchuLL
easily cleae:; a huedle dut·ing lhc 110
high huedles. BLUd Sclutll eat11cd a
lhied place medal in the II 0 high
huedles aL the slate ltuck meel
Pwsho.wntain.e - Wtth steve
p,,.,f onlaine's inspirational qnoles
urging him on. slale qualirter
Sha."'" Nelson ronnds the coener
dnring Lhe 4x8 mlny.
FuU Speed 1\hea.d
ilccclleLULing lov.>avds Lhe log
jump pit, T)cr Bcvcpnan
pt'epares fov his ju _..----
Helping out RasmttstiQn gather:; a
disc ,~hile helping eu n the
discus competition.
Kick It In - ilnu:mcla. Wolfe strides ottl as she completes tuce. ln Lh.e l:x:tckgmnnd, Coach. Bt'igha.m Lries hec best
Lo keep np with. Lh.e speed that helped ilmancla. qttalify (or
Lo slate finals.