Page 35 - YB_2002
P. 35

Peryrt~ srvt-~( VU#Vtbev-s,

                                                           -iv-o-dL oilvfde.v CHJ<3orvvpfrslv

                                                                        ffv-~ -ffv'ivtffS

                                                         :Anchor Leg  Josh :vloline speeds past his opponent during the 4x8 relay
                                                         al slate.  Josh 'Vas no stmngct' lo Bm·kc Stadium, <jttohfying  for the slate
                                                         meet three off our yoot"

                                                         ft.ont Row. <L to R> :vlg" &umnc Biehl KeU)  Konecky, Li.'£1. Rasmussen.
                                                         ?\manda Johns  n. ?\shlcy Janecek. Kcshta Selko. :--;ikkl Simon. YlcF  Erin
                                                         ThiUander Secorui Row Tyler Bergman, Jc"son La'"""· Justln Schmidt.
                                                         :vlax Boldm. Shane :vlm't~s. [),..,u :vlalchovJ, Eric Deet.,on. ThWd. Row Om>c
                             Run Duck Runl - KcUy  Konccky paces
                                                         Wageman. Josh :vloline, Oay Zcmgg. Zach  Wellman, Jordan lat~n. Et~c
                             hcrbClf d urinq a dis lance C\'Cnl.  Thi~
  Runnet'S, To Your Mcu:k.s                              Scheee. Brad Schull. fourth Row Colby Schull. Josh Duhl Clui.s \-1lUet'.
                             yoor she  placed third al districts in the
  C..,uing  bel  in  hi.s assigned lane,                 Shawn :\clson
                             hvo mile.
  Shane :vlot'ti.s  prcpares for  the l.aJ
  nwtee eun.
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