Page 45 - YB_2002
P. 45
lm.c19es in Time - CabO\JCJ Jollmalism staff
membet· Sa.roh Denison takes a snapshot
'~ith a d~ital camero. 'Amon9 the collntle
tasks ass~ned by Y!r ttinn, jollcnalsim
stlldents '~em t'eSponsible for des~nin9
P009tums and the yooebook
Limbo Like &ett - clefo Brott Y!al.cho,~
sho,~s his awesome limbo The limbo
"'OS one of many 9llmes played at a
Valentine's Day dance which \\'OS organized
by the student COllncil Tite tudenl counct:
"'OS also rosponsible foe the Homecomin9
Sucrounded by :Authoritr- '1\9 :MOlJnct amlassador Brod Is That You.t: Fi.nal-Anawm:?- Shane Y\on:-U;, 'Amanda Wolfe. and Lyle Ha,·dka compete
Schutt sits between pti.ncipal'An9ela Leife\d and GO\lentor Mike dttti.n9 a lliz Bm~l compelihon ,~hich "'OS held dllti.n9 lllnch hotlt'. n,c lop SCOl'et'S \~et'e
dohanns at the '1\9 Y!OlJnet celebrotion. The '1\9 cm"t'icllhun was selected lo play on either an adiXlnccd m· no-lice team. Both teams pal'licipated al the
~osen as one of Nebtuska's Top Ten Rllrol Oewlopmcnl Pent State Qlliz Bowl while the adiXlnccd loom also took pad in the EC~C competition.
Organizations 41