Page 44 - YB_2002
P. 44

Organizations provide different activities for

           students to enjoy school outside of the


   T =ffw Duty  COS<!)·  Beyan, Justen Schmi.dl, Btundon Wolfe, o.nd :vir&  Kocian prepo.m for the '1'\9
   Yl0.9ncl cekbtutlon.  ;'vi, · Kocian t-en1.inds them to look both ways before kadin9 helpless pcdeslrlo.ns
   across the t'OCI.d.

   Us~n<] Thew I~natWn - <abooel :v!Otxpn  W~h.l, Ktthr,
   Justin Johnson, T rocy Bal.lru:d, Oo.nL Muck, and Jeremy Lru:sen
   pectomt theLc shl for Destlna.twn ln'U9ina.twn, a co-cuo:i.culax
   ucti-.1i.ty  wh~hlels them expt:ess thew et:eatWe
   Three '1\m.i.gaa - Dance toom membet:s  Elizabeth Konecky, Shelby
   :vloms, and KatLe  Pacsons dance ducin9 a  pep rolly  wh.~h. they
   o"9Unizcd in su ppoct of the boys' basketlxtll t.eo.m's  trip to  Lincoln
   foe  th.eic state toumam.ent 9Unte.  Th.e dance t.eo.m. also performed
   ducin9 halftimes of footlxtll o.nd boys' bo.skellxtll9Umes.

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