Page 49 - YB_2002
P. 49
Yet another succes ful production the Raiders into the state basketball their own group of friends, and for
i nearly complete, but as th cur- tournament. The journey down to some, like Freshman ndr w
tain call draws near, students recall Lincoln is a m mory that will stick Brun ting, th s hool year brought
the events and memories that made out in students' mind wh ther th y him dos r to his fi-iend . "It has been
this year stand out from any other. were player or fans. Thi cen r - o fun to b around them and get
The events of eptember 11, th ceived rave reviews from player , away from my broth rs and isters."
state basketball tournament, pend- parents, and fans. For Sophomore ometime th om die moments
ing time with friends, and funny Brandon Kontor th cxcitem nt of are just plain silly. ForjuniorAngi
memorie mak thi year an unfor- the games was enough to Ia t him a P lster th memory of Sophomore
gettable one. 1i£ time. S nior Kirk Sake agrees, Alex Carritt hiding in h r lo ker and
The school year opened with a very "Playing at Per hing, wher not jumping out to care her will t rrify
dramatic scene, the World rad many Mead players have played be- h r for years to orne. As for enior
Center attacks. After the events of fore, wa a rush." Though she had Kayla Thor on, he rememb r a not
eptember 11, students were a different per p ctive, that of a fan, so plea ant episode: "I got locked in
haken up and left in sho k. S nior Junior Amanda John on joined in the boy bathroom during a tornado
Josh Moline was one of tho e taken the excitement of th trip. "State was drill" she aid. "It wa the fir t tim
aback by the attacks. "I was angry awesome; our hool had a lot of I'd ever en it and it smelled hor-
becaus I couldn't b lieve omeone chool pirit," she said. "Everyone rible."
would do that to o many people," dressed up and I thought we sup- When we look back on the year
he said. "I was sad for the familie ported our team well even though 2001-2002, we will rememb r that
who lost furnily memb rs." we lot." the event during thi · y ar hav
Grief wa n't the only emotion of One of the major theme in chool haped u into who we are today. In
this year's story. The o-ipt was high- each year i friendship, and thi year our mind thi year' ven d n ·
lighted by a wildcard bid that sent was no exception. tudents hav a tanding ovation.
"Ill eemcmbee 1.vhen ::vir. Polk pu l "[ ntshed for ct 144 yueds acpinst
Drc1.vs in a 'sleeper hold' Ccclue Bluffs. und 1.'>'<? beat them
foot ball pruclice." (-IJ-31 •. -
-Cl.ay Z<.tu 9 -~1ax Bolcleu
Sophomore Juniot•