Page 40 - YB_2004
P. 40
Keshia Selko Katie Parsons
Valedictorian Salutatorian
Keshia tarte:l her speech by After thanking everyone
welcoming her classmates, for all f d1eir help d1rough-
faculty, family, and friends. out school, Katie went on
She then went on to talk to say the following to all
arout when she first moved to Mead. Keshia said, "On of her classmates: "Well we got er done. The Mead
the first day f school, I was expecting to meet at least lass of 2004 has made it to the finish line .... The past
50 new classmates and was very nervous. All I wanted 13 years have seeme:l to have flown by. We have made
to do was make a dozen friends by the end of the day. it wough all the. .. tiring days of scl1ool. We have made
Well, right away there was a problem, there were only it with the much needed help from our parents, teach-
13 kids in my class." In her speech, Keshia also talked er , and mentor . But most importantly we made it
arout some of her elementary, junior high, and high with each other's help. Eight classmates and I have
school memories. Among other memories, she recalle:l been togetl1er the whole 13 year of school, from the
being force:! to slow dance at jwlior high dances, the first day of Kindergarten all the way to our high school
demand of high school ports, and the excitement of graduation today. We've had people come and people
events sucl1 as Keshia ende:l her speech go but we have staye:l here at Mead together. For most
by wishing her classmates the best of luck and telling students up here, Mead is the only school we have
them how much they mean to her: "Every moment known and the only cotmnwli.ty we've lived in. Next
with you guys was worth it and I hope we all continue year will be a huge change for us, but I believe everyone
to grow as individuals." here is ready for it."
Thank You
Dustin Bergman shakes hands with
Superintendent George Robertson.
Prior to receiving their diplomas,
scholarships won by the students
were announced.
Official Graduates
Sherri Novak and Sophia Mosel exit
the gym as former students of Mead
Public Schools.
•• •
'*- Graduation