Page 35 - YB_2004
P. 35
Catching Some ZZZ's
During a chemistry film, senior Hannah Glenn
drifts into dreamland. Many students found it
hard to stay focused throughout all eight hours.
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Students stress out
& handle it in clifferent ways
Though students admittoo to having a much more laid oock and carefree attitude, by no means
Jid they top caring aoout thing . lf they had quit caring, they would have had no reason to get
tressed, but most students experiencoo some tr over homework, relationships, sports, or their
Stress increased as the weeks rolloo on and more and more tudents began to have trouble
keeping up with their homework. ''When I dm't do an assignment and I have to come to sch I and
then face the teacher i the worst," said junior Tyler Carlson.
When tudents felt the pressure of stress, their OOdies actoo differently than normal. me
sufferoo weary armpit!, headaches, or stomachaches. M t tudents agreed that when tressed,
they got very run down and tiroo. t only did tudents' bodies react in different ways, actions also
became more unpredictable. Senior Ashley Miller aid that he "frcakoo out" or became more
irritable when she got tressed Freshman Emily Bergman inflictoo small amounts of pain m herself,
uch as a light lap on the cheek, as a sort of puni hment for not doing what he necdoo to do.
When tudents got home from a long day of school, ports, and w rk, only a few thing helped
them relax. ince each person experiences tress in different \vay , people had different way of
getting their lives oock to normal. For senior Nc..x Carritt, it's" itting on a specific pot on the
couch," while sophomore Brian Cooper did something outside to take hi mind off the tressor.
After a Str ful day, the most common remooy for high Str level was a g night' leep.
"It's the wort when I don't do
an assignment and I have to
come to sch 1 and face the ~~~~!
teacher." Tyler Carlson