Page 37 - YB_2004
P. 37
Berore N~ght Falls
One hot night of dancing
t students went to rience ," said Tyler Carlson. That was the last straw for many.
rom expecting a hot Once people finally got used to At this time, many students
M ght of dancing, but the heat that went along with gave up dancing, choosing instead
they ended up getting more than dancing, there were a few techni- to wait for their post prom tickets.
they bargained for. Temperatures cal difficulties. For example, the 1n response, teachers opened up the
on April 17'\ 2004, reached a D.]. invited everyone out to the door so students could go outside
record high of 90 degrees. The dance floor to dance along to "Cot- and cool off. Anyone that drove
high temperatures for prom ton Eyed Joe," but when the music by the fire hall that night could
caused the temperatures inside the started, it was not the song that easily catch a glimpse of the jun-
fire hall to skyrocket and many to was supposed to be played. Every- ior and seniors in their prom at-
abandon the typical prom routine one just continued to do the Cot- tire.
and adopt a new routine, one that ton Eye Joe dance to the wrong For many though, nothing
was more in sync with the hot song even though it didn't feel could keep them off the dance
weather. right. Then, prom experienced floor. Katie Parsons was one that
At the beginning of the dance, another technical malfunction fit into that category. "I had fun
many juniors and seniors tried to when the D.].'s fan that cools off tucking the bottom of my dress
stay cool by opting to sit and talk, his equipment stopped working. into my underwear so that there
instead of dance. "Doing a little That caused the entire system to was a draft that helped me cool
of both gives prom the best expe- overheat and stop playing music. off," said senior Kate Parsons.
"I had fun tucking the bottom of my dress
into my underwear so that there was a draft
that helped cool me off." Kate Parsons
While he is supposed to be decorat·
ing, junior Jordan Larsen takes a little
time off to play Superman. The jun·
iors decorated both Thursday and
Friday night so many found it hard
to concentrate on decorating the
entire time.
Finishing Touches
Sarah Ballard and Chrissy Push put
the final touches on the Senior
Memories presentation. The
slideshow was a new addition this •• •
year instead of wills and prophesies.