Page 34 - YB_2006
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During Physics class, Senior Brian Wolfe Juniors Alicia Virgl, Chelsea Bergman, Emily
proves he can hold two 10 lbs. weights in Bergman, and )aclyn Thorson compare answers
the air for a minute. This class was alĀ· during Chemistry class. These students always
ways able to find new ways to spend free did their homework in fear of getting in trouble.
The Sum of
All Fears
Although some people won't noises," freshman Eric Johnson
admit it, everyone is scared of said, "but now I'm just scared of
something. These fears can some- the Carol of the Bells song. Every
times come at a certain point in time I hear it I think the Grim
life. " I first became scared of Reaper is outside my door."
semi's the day I started driving," Everyone reacts differently
junior Jessica Guyle said. when faced with his or her fears.
But they can also be devel- Common reactions include
oped over a number of days, screaming, running away, shaking,
weeks, or months. ''I'm not sure or getting the goose bumps. "I get
exactly when I became scared of really nervous and I start to shake
heights," junior Dallas Vogt said. when I'm up somewhere really
When you are younger, high," senior Krystal Ewan said.
you're scared of things like the Other times, people may just act
dark, the monster under the bed, like they aren't scared.
or loud noises. "I was scared of Many people wouldn't ever
the dark until the 6'h grade," fresh- want to face their fears, because
man Jacob Glenn said. of the fact that they are too scared,
Some people grow out of but some people do. Junior Dal-
their fears and develop new ones, las Vogt said, "Yeah, I'd probably
but many people do both. "When face my fear of heights for a little Senior Devin Tharp entertains his
I was little I was scared of loud money." Creative Writing class by wearing a
plastic band around his head. Devin
proved to be very entertaining during this
30 Student Life