Page 40 - YB_2012
P. 40
T his yeae's b ys lxtsketball team may not hw.'C ~von many games, but \ no
senioes cmcl v L")' fe\v ju ni.ors n the team, the)' still mancl9 cl to leav cveL)'
they hnd oul n tlw c urL
·we \veL-can inexperienced loom, b LI. we sho~vecl flashes f h.ow good we CCLn be.
T he \ in (LgCLinst Lou isville shmvecl ~vhat ~ve aee aL]XLble of next seo.son." said I feacl
COCLch P.d QLLinn
T hough il \\'CL.'in't CL \ season, the shca.e effort a nd clecliCCLli.on of the phyees
mn onl. help th. m in Lice )' t me l eam lil.CLL wi-nni-ng season Lhey
vJoekecl hnl'd to ach.i.~'C.
Abo:e ll,e 2lltt-2QI2 ~c<ul Ratdm; [~l\s Flo.sketbullt«Uil. &" k l'OvJ L to K Aost.stnnt C<XL< h
lA>"<m Dc\'t-ws. Bmnd)ll llru.Jlc Chnndln SotuJs<•n. [>,undc>Jt 1-\ch<ol'lh. Cmnt :\el~on,
Andre-., 1\nl,-, R)·rut Hnqhc,, and Coach 4'n11m. Y1tddlc "'"' L toR Trumct B«lnru·,
Dillon Dt:'(?\\'S. Cote Luelkenhans, ~·1m·ttn Heinen. nnd Lo .. vell dohnson. rt'Oill em .. : L to R
Student Hl.OJ\O(_Jet~ Zach Pickv.'od.h. :'\l('X uu-..n, l}dan T nylc>t', clo:-;h Quinn, and F•.:nn
Ru_jlt• l:iophc rnO<-c Brundo11 f>~ekwm1 h
cuna the to the Rw.det' ,<de of
the court, wlo ' kccp<n.q pace ~<th
Abo."' Sophomore R)''"' I h"Jhes sc·m-cs the l~mclet'8 u
Yutan numbcr V.
ba.skcl wtt h u la)' ·n p u<yu nst l~utlcr
.J[iddeJJ 7 rea.wres: t-wo gold roins, a spy gla ss, three ribbons, one airplane, and one lion.