Page 38 - YB_2012
P. 38
Tbe r:YJ[erf(/ oCady 7V!iders 'Po/leyba//
ternJI bad frrv neTv fares tbis year.
:Jfa'Ping to I earn bow to wor{ I i{e a
family 011 and off tbe ro11rt, tbey rame
togetber. 'Witb tbe bus rides, tbe team
bonding parties, Valentino's runs, and
roof;_out s, tbey became n family.
"Tbe best memory tbis Volleyball seaso11
'lPas winni11g, tbe sub-district final and
ad'Panring to tbe district fi11al.
Jltbougb we didn't Will tbe district
fiual, it was a great experience and we'll
get it next year!" c:Jays new tale11t
oCauren Taylor.
Tbis tale11ted team ad'Panced all tbe way
to Vistrirts wbere tbey fared tbe
:Jfampton :Jfa-wf(s. Tbey may not ba'Pe -won
but tbey ba'Pe tbe desire alld talent to
co11tinue to win. { tvg-e,£ht;r,
""""' tv;;rdhM vJfl
/IV~Jtl- :J { I
tiU t~t \ft~tl~i !1·
l'x,[,"o left &niol' ~idtclc Gmcin '-<'l> up the lxtU
Bclo"' l't<jltL &ophoiiL<H'<' :"11addy :'liy<jt'<'n helps keep the m.ll:·
hit the lxJl. 0\lel' the net i.n a.ltentpt tv ~ot~
Yli.ddk La.tu--en T a·vlot', ft\::;, spikes the lxJl to scot'e!;l
1\k.'IC. \'ru~tt.Y pl.oscr":'i IH<:d i.n the 11uddk· lo 1nake a plan to \-.lttt the qa.ntc.>.
f'a,. L"Jht ~imnda Chcu-lcs. sophomorc, ob.etws lhe <JCL!He ,olul<'
hel' loo.m 11 w.le hils the 6all o''"" lhe ncl.
31; V o\le:y 6n\l