Page 37 - YB_2012
P. 37

"C"T>e11  tboug/1 we only plttyetl fl  TV srbet!ule, it
                                                                 Wfls tt  neressrtry step in getting :)l{ertt! footbrt!l
                                                                 barf{ to wbere we want to be,wbirb is romjJeting
                                                                 for rbampionsbips." ('oarb Jason £arse11.
                                                                 t:nrol/menl  Jlltmbers till(/ tt  tbose ttble to
                                                                 participate /esseuet! tbe lllllltbers of tbe 'l<.!iitler
                                                                 football team tbese lrtst two years.  ,/lfter a
                                                                 fflirly t!evistating season tbe previo11s yeflr, tbe
                                                                 srbool t!erit!et! tbrtt rvitb t/1e limited 1111111bers
                                                                 :))(eat! sbonlt! pi fly  only tt  J'U srbet/11/e to not
                                                                 only stt'Pe  I be players from i11j11ry  b11t  to be/p
                                                                 bllilt! liP ({  )'0111/g  /e({/1/.
                                                                 Jenior 'Will 'Winf:._elmtllt  said, ".Jt was 11ire to
                                                                 win again, ttnt! .J tbinf:._ we sborvetl impro'Pement
                                                                 tllitl tbe players seemed in it tt  lot more."
                                                                 "'We ttre rettt!y for 'Vflrsity next year," stater/
                                                                 sop!IOI!Jore  fJIIarterbt{(i:._  Brant/on 'Piri:._wort!J.
                                                                 'Despite tbe set bari:._s,  tbe 'l<.!iitlers will not let
                                                                 flllytbing slorv tbem tloll!ll or i:._eep  tbem from
                                                                 rompeting rvbirb  sbows an int!ominitrtble spirit
                                                                 tbflt llJi// feat/ tO  fl  llJillllillg SNISOII.
                                                                  Lefc  With a  loom effoet, soplwmore Joel Spath. f,..,.lunan
                                                                  Brnndyn  llacjle. and juni.oe.  Lance  put a  slop to
                                                                  the f.a<jles rukunccntenl
                                                                  Coachcti Jason w1d          Sophmnm-e
                                                                  deecrny  La.esen            Bmnclon  Pu:kwol'lh
                                                                  'valdt ,oith sli<Jhl   cltmiot' Chancllev   takes off on a
                                                                  feushution a.l  a  call   Sorent-;('11; a   9ttat·let'6ack sneak
                                                                  on the fidel as   t-entcUlable catch   thongh he "'US aL.,
                                                                  ll\jllt't.'<:l  scniot• \t\U   nooe the end zone   (1.  ""'""n<J•
                                                                  Winkelman loob on.   O<J<linsl  the Palti.ol&   ,oilh 7'22.  yat'ds.

                                                                   Lefc Sophomore R:ynn  Hnghcs scoros a  lonchdo"'n ru:JUinsl  the
                                                                   OCA Co.cjles  Httcjhes "'US also a  enshing looclet·  thi.s yoot· ,oilh E£17
                                                                   ynr·ds and a  t'C(Cl'-"-"9  loo.det•  \  ~148 yw'<ls.

                                                                   Belo"" Sophonwt-e Cameron :'>1ikkelsen  blocks ft'Otn  the ft'Onl  as
                                                                   juni.oe Oi.Uon  Dt-e .... ·s holds on to the  Park .. 'ie-.<J  Ch.ti..c;tlan  Patti.ot.
                                                                   feotn  bchi.nd  to keep  th.e!n  rl'Oil\  yaeds.
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