Page 47 - YB_2012
P. 47

C keer{eadin

                  'Alx)l,.n The danc·c•  lcmn n't.ulc·~ a tunnel   1\lx""' llte dance loom  pt-cfonHs fot•  the
                                                                   ~upp<wtct.  &ck {(I  ft'('lnl Corine:"·
                  c·ff" t dneing thiet· dame nt  hcJf time of   lsoph01noeeJ mul  dttlin Couch
                  u  boys  bw.ketbnll  cpo nc.   Cjnniod end  th'-'it·  t'l'bonnd·t'   l..evJnn< l o-..~ski.Cjlllti.ot·J ~add,· :\fyCjt'Cn
                                             \..:'ith  (l slrong nni.'ih.   tsophclttlOt'{.') Chcl';(n  ~tLSCJIUI.'lc <&·nLoeJ.
                   ('bNri11g tbeir berfrts Off!  tbis JWfr,
                   tbe squnrl /;(frl some  roffgb prftrbes
                   wbere o11/y  two were tfbl e to rbeer
                   berrwse of illjffry. :JI.(!l,  mntter tbe
                   f{{{IJfbers,  tbey (fppe(frrl iff e/'lery bome
                   gffme, ffllrlmost nWffy  grfmes }fist to
                   gi/'le tbe teru!f sffpport! T!1is ye({{' !lfls
                   bee11  ffflfffzjllg rufrl it bns sbo"fl'll Offr
                   tO/Jflffffllity jffst bow lffffrb spirit we
                   bff11e for bei11g  so  ti11y.
                   Tbe rlrufre  tetfllf rompeterl iff Jt(ffe
                   ffllrl rffme bffr{ i11  tbirtl plffre.  :Jifter
                   o11ly  loosi11g tf fnv fro!ff /({sf yerfr fflltl
                   g(fi11i11g tl1e  11e"fll f(fres of some
                   fusbllffflf fflltl }ffllior, ('ort11ey
                   L:e11Jfflltlows{',i. WIJO  .wit! romi11g to
                                                     Hue kc·lw  <sophomm't•) Julin Coud\ <jtuuod und  Sh.andl
                   J1(e(ft/ (flit/ prfrtiriptffillg i11  tftti/'les   Rav.•lin  (jttni.od.
                   /)({s  bee11  ff  grefft experie11re.

                                                          l'oclo,-> Tiw  2011~.2012 :-.1rod  Raidct" Dance T rom. fl'Om  left
                   J )c.J"'"  n"' 2011  •2f.)l2  ~1md Rmdees Che,,{,'Ollces   to ri.qht  lxult'O~\.~: soplwnt<we  ;.,1add:-•  ~·\'C)t'l'n  juntoe Cl£lin2'
                   !ilcwtinq at  the lxu-k  left  v.'ot'king U~'Otutd tlw  hot'S(•shoe   f~ubec, scniot~ :'-\Uif>oll  ffonqh and  dc·mta &.-hutt.  rt'ont
                   jnnicw 8handi  Rct ... din. junior Stc,:t\e  l\ntCJC't  soplwtnm""
                                                          t'O\~': senior:-. dcunic Lw'SC'n  and  Yfidwlr  (JO.t'Ci.a  juniot·
                   , ';,hole Hnckcby. und Jllnioo• dnlia Conde   Coet.ney  L.·\-..{tnclm~~ki cuul  seni.oe ChcL"<.u  ;.,.1usqtu-..'e.

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