Page 51 - YB_2012
P. 51

Left.  The H'9h school \'Iiddle
                                                                            sdwol and Elenw~ttcu·y school
                                                                            co1nc for I h(;  lin;t  oulsi..<le
                                                                            1"'1'  "J[y of the vo:u·

                                                   lcfL Cheee mptain chtlin Conch
                                                   leads seniot'S 1\lli.son Hough. and
                                                   1\manda Rnhe along with
                                                   feeshman  Lanmn Tayloe und Haley
                                                   Koneckv  in the dance cotnpclition
                                                   during the Oi.,tnd ,'Olley6allpcp

                                                   Rtghl feeshman  l..o<pn C·  nsc
                                                   ")(ttches as ft-eshman  Tayloe l'>eclnae
                                                   lxtktnces blocks on hi.s 1\ccul  foe  one
                                                   lnnch.tirne corn petition
                                                   h.onteconting \'Jeek

                                 RighL  'Yir.Dttx,  \'li.o;s  Yloscr, and
                                 Y1l'K  K('use ad as  our cunazingl)
                                 tnlented eoslct· of judges for  lhe
                                 dance corn petition of Lhe  Oi..<;lt'i..d
                                 ''Oik:>·6all  pep tully

                                 lcfl Senim· 1\lli.son  Hough  and
                                 cJ ttnior Cktit-e  Btubec  help
                                 ki.nden::y:u:len  :-;lllclenl Tintolh)·
                                 I iunl  i.n  the  ft·ozcn  pm·tion
                                 of the contpcli.tlon in  th.e  onl:-;
                                 homecoming week  pep tully.

                                   :Jf'idden 'T'rerts!lres: a b11tte;jly,
                                   a spy glass, a plane, a "volleybrt!l,
                                   and ape ;j ert srore.

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