Page 50 - YB_2012
P. 50

u& ttli~:,,<ft.!~~~

         to prrrtiriprrte ilf sports, bNt o/fe t!Jilfg t!Jey  rio  Not
         lnri:,_  is sr/1ool spirit.  BernNse of tbe rlillfilfisberl
         lflllllbers tbis yenr, tbe football tetfl!f 1Vffs  Not  tfble to
         plffy rr  "vrrrsity setfS0/1,·  b11t  tbnt rlirllf 't  stop llsfrol!f
         btt"vilf g n !JOIIINOIII ilf g.  'T'be  serolfrl 011 t sit! e pep rn I ly
         1Ms if bit nlfrl tbe stNrlelffJ 11iere flble to rbeer Olf  tbe
         footbflll tefll!f r.YJ(olft!ny  Nigbt fllft! tbe Volleybflll
         tetfllf T'bNrsrltry  Nigbt.  'T'be  Volleybflll tefll!f's
         s11rress tbis yenr let! tbel!f to 'DistrirfJ fllft! ettrlfet!
         t be llf tt  sper ifl I pep rfl I ly before bn 1ft! wbere 11ie  were
         g rn ret! wit b fl  rei ebrity jNt! g ilf g Pfl He!. :J\(!!,  llffl tter
         tbe siZf of tbe ubool, t!Je  spirit nt :.7J(eflri1J1ill
         flhWrys be  tbere.

                                                              -Abooe  ~1end lli<jlt School ,Jutuot,;; 8tcvi<• 1\mgm·. Joe ll11nl. ,Jol1n  ll<t)'es
                                                              nnd Chonclkt• &wcnscn lt'\  t<  r,u  "I' thCII'  bllckct  bcfot'C  the other d'"~"'' ctl
                                                              the honu..><  ...... •eek  pep  tu.ll)

                                                              [>,lo"'' .SOphmno<"" Camct"on  ~1ikkeh.en. d<>cl  Spath. and  frcolunan Lo"·ell
                                                              Johnson  pt·csent  their bc.-;t  :;pixi.t  outfi..l  for  the ~Rai.det· Spu'it  day  dmi.nq
        Th.e  \ko.d h.U:Jh  school slttdenl.' shake Lh.ecr stttff at the pep  tully cc'  the   h01neconti.1\Cj  \Vcck.
        cheer laulers lecW.  them in -AettUCjh.  -AettUCjh!!!
        Bello"'' ft,,l g<udces T<'C.')'len  Simon. ~e Hollo"'O.}· Janie \1nntce, T}lee
        Else '"oek  lo '"in the ,va.Lee collecLcng  conlesl dneing
        homecoming '"""k  pep  tully.

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