Page 8 - YB_2012
P. 8
HUc'ietl Tt·easures: a 111.:.11Jilet, a t"eCOIJilitiL,Ill'l,"'W<i. a
llatd out of ~ lace, "1tt..i o'l slla .. iowy f iQLil'e.
'T'be students at J'J{ead brt"ve t going on ill
tbeir li"ves indudillg atti"ves tbat trt/;,_e plare
7'\lxh.'c' lnspiting to be mo ... 'i.e costnntc> dcsiqnct-s, :'\1(uld)· :"f:>CJt-en and D"'~·nn Patocka
outside of srbool. c..JJ{ore tball t11'ellty sturlellts
dl.'iC'(l\.\-'t't'<.l that thcit' book CO\'et-s could double CL.<t cat ('(U'>
made tbe trip to 'Wrt sbillgtoll <DC ill
:7\(!!,'Pember to learn more about our nation's
rapital. (9tber students rvor/;,_ rtlot Tvitb
allimals ftlld otber rtg re!rtted fields. for
exrunple, senior -u'lllisoll
:J-f'o11gb "volt111teers ber
time at L:inrolll
(bilrlrell's ZJo to tearb
tbem about tbe animals.
{9t!Jer students
participate in sports 11ot
off ererl rt t 011 r srbool.
L:r111re u11/;,_onirb and
(rtmeroll J'J{ii;,_l;,_el se11
play bor/;,_ey not to melltioll
rbe atti"ves sboTvll bere.
-u'/11 in all our SflldelltS
brt"ve r1 we/ I rou uri Nl
experiellre rbro11 gbo11t
~bo.'O: '.1ood olttdenls lt"<"'eled lo Washtn<jlon O.C [n bigb srbool
N()IJCtnlxt· foe an educati.onal experience. Het'e in ft'ont of t.he
WWII '.1emol'tal axe :">1arttn Hetnen. Tan net• Pm-kttl', Camel'on
:vltkkel'Sen. Bmndon Pu:b<oeth, R)·Olt Htt<jltes. :">1C<)On Ro,U:,
'.1addv :Yy<jt'Oil, :vltmnda Chal'leo, '.1ol'qan Lttetkenhans.
;-,rtcholc f!uckeb;c, ~lex '.1c0onald. clcu:yh<n clan.<;O. D"''}nn
Patocka and fmnklc Hass
1\lxNe Chandb· and Colh) bOt'<! l10,>e some ""''
eeoponotbi.ltt[es tltl.s yecu· The:y dectded tltat they evan led
ch.i.ckens t.o rulse. The Cllte qttys above at'e n.ovJ futl gt'O\Vn
and pc'Odttctn<j lots of "'J<JS. eepol'led Cl10ndlee.
Left, Blendtn<j [n wtlh the
slatttcs, Ntdwle Hnckeh)· - ~-
cmd :vla.dd y ;-,r }'Jt'Cn .. ·•·' . , ~ 9, _
pm1U:tpate [n lite hne of j i
men t'ept'esenti.nCJ -Atneeicans ~
d the Depeession at the Rtqhl ~ndt"'" Kuhe,
Roo5e'>ell :vlemoeial Cameron :vltkkel.sen, and j
Cmnl :Yelson take a 9tttck
photo op ,ohi.le [n DC
l; Sludcnl Lcr c