Page 9 - YB_2012
P. 9
&st !!nit~ Me &h.uelee. Coetney Le"'<mdmvsky. nnd Alex Quinn
uf)oobbb d
. 'DIIX all
,JJ(t. 1(ubr
J[ dr e">"V
llnn L:tuglin, L:tttt-en Tuyl
cmcl Mich.uel Klnh.n
"V er e:J\([:7 r9:J\(g), JJ rcz
L: e:l JJ r f:I\_J 7<.§Jr9JJ {"
Best Altitude: Jcunie
L:tt'SCn nnd Cenn l
Best L:utgh.: llud.ey
Kuegee and Me. Dux
Best Spieit: L udesl: \1e De\'
Ch.eed.eudet'S Shnndi and D<."')·nn Palocka
RCL\vlin. Julin Couch.
and , ichole llucknb) eunning.
Best Dt-essed: Jnlynn
Laesen and Ryan
Hughes two y<.nt'S in Pichvoelh \vitl, a 2COI
Cl l'OVJ.
Loudest Lunch Table: Mot'<JUn Luelkenhuus. \1agcm
Rozic, D<."-')'lm Pulocka, Maddy 01 ygt'Cn, cmd L:tut-en
Tuyloe. dt's t'<.nll)' the th.t-ee in the middle.J
Best of