Page 47 - YB_2013
P. 47
Lady Rafder l3asketball
T~Lr J<%WOn t~e 0t33eJt c:~an3e Jor t~e La6(J R.at6erJ wru t~e c:~an3e tn
c:oac:~tn3 staJJ. Coac:~ l(en FG<.rstenaG<. took over t~e ro(( oJ ~ea6 c:oac:~ an6
Coac:~ Cat~(J I(G<.~r kept ~er )OOJttton ~ru JV/ rusLrtant c:oac:~. W~en jG<.ntor
madd(J I\J(J3ren wru ruke6 on t~e JG<.0jec:t J~e sat6, "Havtn3 a new c:oac:~ wru
a 3006 c:~an3e, we a(( took to tt rea((CJ we(( an6 we ~a6 a 3oo6 seruon ru a
CJOG<.n3 team." A(t~OG<.3~ t~e La6CJ R.at6erJ pro6G<.c:e6 a seruon oJ 10 an6 11,
t~e(J ~ave a Cot oJ taCent to 0G<.tC6 on an6 J~OG<.(6 Cook Jorwar6 to next seruon.
Coac:~ FG<.rstenaG<. 6oes, l--Ie sat6, " lt Lr ~ar6 to )OG<.t tnto wor6s ~ow mG<.c:~ l
enjo(Jed c:oac:~tn3 t~ese 3trw. T~e(J ma6e m(J jo0 eruCJ an6 I'm a(rea6CJ
Cooktn3 Jorwar6 to next (Jear."
:Abooe Back row LtoR Mi.ooru!a. Owdes, Shelby Kuht-, la.u ayto.:, Coach K..n ~ Coach Cathy Kuht-, ~
cloh.n.oon, Haley Konecky and. student rnan£l<j ocqan L~ !not pi.ctuwd Jock Fu..t..ona.uJ. f.ont Row. Mecpn R.ozic,
K.o.i,tlynn Wiese Hunt, ]),..,ynn Po. Maddy N Juta. &hneU, ~lee Cadson, and. Mayfield
Left Seni.oe, 3cd T eo.m :All <:onfecence wi.nnec cf uli.a. &hru.U and. l<.o.i,tlynn Hunt block o. Brovmell-T albot Ra.idec o.s Coach
Fucstena.u 9W.. the remcrulec foe hand.. up o.s alL watch foe the rebound.