Page 49 - YB_2013
P. 49

Left Juni.oc Booruion Pi.ckworlh
                                                 OCU!ual1y oi.n.ka a.  poLntec aqai.n.ot
                                                 Elm.ood Muoxlock.

                                                 Ri<Jht Juni.oc Ryo.n HU<Jhe.  80ClC8
                                                 throU<Jh the a4- to <Jcl the tip off
                                                 a<pi.nst Elm.wood-Muoxlock.

                                                  sto.ted  "The bi.ggest
                                                  change fcom \ yecx
                                                  to this yecx \00..5  tho.t.
                                                        _ .J -cup:l.ed ewe """'ns
                                                  liJe  q\l.(l.l.L
                                                   fcom \ yecx."
          Evety sinn[e  Ia
                  -7   P  y ev on the too,
          agrees that the bes       m
         the              t moment of                                                               OPP
             YEUt>  Was  when &.an.d
         P~kwocth               on
          .        made the
         WLnninn  ho        game                                      33   .::Jo~NsoN Co  C£N-rA.AL    57
              ·7  8   t, at the 6
        ann;   L            uzzev                                     37   PAA..r-<.VU~W C~A..IS"IIAN   60
        --7~nst  ouis<JLile.     '
                                                                      40   PALMYRA                     45
   Ri<Jhl T o.nn€t" Bednac, sophomore, defend.. the lxu.ket ClCJOi.nst  the   55   Cg)AA.. 6LUf=f=S    26
   Ea.tButle.:T""Jecs.                                                27   SCA..Ie:.Nt:A.-SNYDEA..     31
                                                                      41   OMA~A 6A..OWNELL-'f"ALe:.   31
   R"Jht Jun.Loo Ryo.n HU<Jhe. blocks a. shot from. East Butle.:
   in the Con.feren.ce gun-e.                                         45   OCA*                        41
                                                                      41   4-JAMP-rON*                 2S
                                                                      31   YU"IAN                      60
                                                                      3S   LYONS-DECA"IUA..E           50
                                                                      45   WEEPING WA-rt:A.            50
                                                                      4S   CoNEs-roGA                  35
                                                                      34   MALCOLM                     56
                                                                          EAs-r <:.u-rL£A..            33
                                                                          LOUISVILLE                   52
                                                                          EAs-r <         31
                                                                          .::JCCtt:                    70
                                                                           WEEPING WA"         67
                                                                          ELMWOOD-MUA..DOCk            55
                                                                          *OCA                         46
                                                                          .::Jo~NSON-6A..OCR           56
                                                                          SCA..Ie:.NEA.. -SNYDER.*     60

                                                                          "- 4-JOUDAY'f"OUA..NAMEN"I
                                                                          tt:-ECNC "IOUA..NAMEN"I
                                                                          *-Sue, Dls"IA..Ic-rs
   i\booe Nick Leet, Sen.Loo, arui Boarulon. P"I.Ckworlh, juni.oc, celebro.te
   aftec Boarulon m.o.d.e the 9"-"'-" shot ClCJOi.nst LouUNi.lle.   R.g)OA..D: 8-14
   Ri<Jhl Boarulyn. Aa1e, sophom.oce, oa.tche. a. oebound. from. East
   But!e.: arui looks outwru:d to the lxJl to a.  teo.m.m.a.te.
   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54