Page 48 - YB_2013
P. 48

"l\.le:ve:r 3eve:  G<.p,  ne:ve:r 3eve:  en,  an6 wl:Je:n  tl:Je:

        Gtppe:r l:Jan6  Ls  OG<.r.J,  may we:  1-Jave:  tl:Je:  a(9eUty  to
        l:Jan6Ce:  tl:Je:  wen  wetl:J  tl:Je:  same: 6e3nety  tl:Jat we:
        a(9sor(9e;c)  tl:Je:  (oss"  DoG<.3  WlCUams.  As tl:Je:
        p(aye:rs ste:p  onto tl:Je:  coG<.rt,  tl:Je:er  1-Je:art.J
        erttC:rt.Jdy  f90C<.rtdert3,  rtC:YVOW  1-Jartd.J sl:Jalzert3,
        men6s se:t  on tl:Je:  3oaC oJ tl:Je:  3ame:, tl:Je:y  are:

        re:a6y to 3o.Tl:Je:y  are:  tl:Je:re:  to worlz  G\.5  a  te:am,
        p(ay tl:Je:er  l:Jar6e:st,  1-Jave:  JG<.n,  an6 wen. From CG\Jt
        ye:ar tl:Je:  R..ae6e:rs  emprove:6  to a  re:cor6  oJ  8-1-Lr.
        11-Ju ye:ar Gran6on Peclzwortl:J, jG<.rteor,  ma6e:                      1\\x,..,e :Alex Qu.tnn,,  dti.bbles the bill
        tl:Jer6  te:am ACC  ConJe:re:nce:.                                       a.s  he contempla.tes his next rn.o.>e rupinst
                                                                                 Elm.wood Mu.t<Lock.

        1\\x,..,e ft.ont roW Left to Ri.<Jht stu.d.ent l'l'\£U'\Q(je<'S, Josh Qu.inn, Dylan T a.ylo.: arul Eoo.n. Second ='-"' :Alex
        Qu.inn, Tann= Bedn=, Cole Leu.tkenh.o.u.s, Ra.Jle, Steoen, Daru.el arul T ti.stan HO<>Jec. ='-"'
        Head Coach, Mo. Qu.inn, Ryan Hu<jhes, f\ckwooth, ilndoow Ku.ho,  Nick Leet, Joe Hu.nt, Bi.l1y Mo.yeo, arul
        a.ssistant Coach Mo. Deo.\.s.
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