Page 10 - YB_2014
P. 10

--W/len {/ou're ourz"ous, {/ou

   Jz"na cz  toC if z"nCeresCz"71:!J                         Homecoming
                  C /lz"71:!Jf C 0  db_,.

                   WcztC Dz--sn6(/                                                 Week

          From apes to twins, the students show off
          their team spirit everyday of the week.
          Monday: Patriotic day, Tuesday; twin day,
          \Vednesday; class color day, Thursday;
          costume day, and Friday; spirit day. Lunch
          time contests were held for the students with               Right:
          the most ori~inal, silly, and interestin~                Sophomore
                                                                K.aylee Carlson
          costumes. No doubt they cha lked up tons of              poses as a
          fashionable threads.                                  "Quarter"-back
                                                                  for costume

         Below: Seventh grader Tanner Langemeier IS chilling like a
         zombie for costume day.

                                                                      Left: Eric Swanson shows his

                                                                            Above: Freshman nffany Berst is go1ng all red
                                                                            for her class sp1r1t.
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