Page 12 - YB_2014
P. 12


                cznc~ z"J C/l~ onif/ ll~czuCf/ C/lczC

     n~J/~if czdbs. w  -Hudf-6(/ H~!Jilurn

     This year's theme for prom was A  Black. Tie Affair.                                                   •
     T he junior class wor.k.eJ very hard the day before to
     prepare for the festive ni~ht. Prom was on the ni~ht
     of March 26, 2014. Prom Kin~ and ~ueen was
     awarded to seniors Ryan Hu~hes and Mor~an
     Luet.k.enhaus. Senior Wyatt Andersen describes
     prom as a  boot-stompin' ~ood time." He also stated
     that he had. a lot of fun line dancin~. This year's post
     prom was hosted by Dave and Busters. They served
     breakfast all ni~ht and the arcade was a lot of fun.
     Mead juniors and seniors won prizes from bicycles
     and blue ray players, to Coach purses and hair care
     products. Seniors Miranda Charles and Ryan
     Hu~hes both a~reed that post prom was a lot of fun
     and junior Tanner Bednar said "it was filled. with
     fun activities and I ~ot a cool hat."

                                                             Above: Prom queen Morgan Luetkenhau5 and prom king Ryan Hughe5.
     Above: Senior Cla55: Front row L to R: Andrew Kuhr, Ryan Hughe5, Billy Mayer,
     Brandon Pickworth, and Wyatt Ander5en. Back row L to R: M1randa Charle5, Maddy
     Nygren, Devynn Potacka, Morgan Luetkenhau5, Megan Rozic, N1chole Huckeby, Rhea
                                                                                  Below: Junior5 Megan Laughlin and
     Wo1ta, and Alexandna McDonald.
                                                      Below: Junior JiEun Jung mea5ure5   Ca55idy Lacroix chill with the cut
            Below: Junior5 Joe Bettendorf, Taylor Bednar, Cole   out the cloth for the gym divider.   out dancer5 dunne decorating.
            Luetkenhau5, and Tanner Bednar tape down the fru5trating
                that ju5t wouldn't 5tay
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