Page 9 - YB_2014
P. 9
At:>ove: Homecomin~ court tncludes Mtranda Charles, Maddison Nygren, Morgan
Luetkenhaus, Queen Jevynr Patocka, King Brandon PICkworth, Ryan Hughes,
Andrew Kuhr, and Wyatt Andersen.
From football ~ames to the court parade, homecomin~ is a
fabulous experience! On October 19th, 2.013 Mead Hi~h School
put on a dance for all hi~h school students to attend after the
homecomin~ ~am e. Students elected their 2.013-2.014
homecomin~ kin~ and queen with seniors Brandon Pickworth as
kin~ and Devynn P atocka .:ts queen. Junior Jessica Drews stated,
"Homecomin~ W.:ts am.:tzin~ and I can't wait until next ye.:tr to ~o
a~ain!" The dance was filled with superior music and amusement
that at the end of the ni~ht, students didn't want to leave. As the
ni~ht rolled to an end, m.:tny left with stars in their eyes in hope
that the rest of the year will be just as spectacular.
At:>ove: JUniOr Taytor B-~
=<nar watches
Home-oomz?~~ ~roove on at the homecomtn~ dance.
JUnior Tyon BICe While he gets hts
Ri~ht: Semor Billy
me-e2ns oomz~J1& Mayer and freshman
Even Halt:>maier dance
/lome- Co w/le2C z~s t:>nefly to~ether at the
t:>e~tnmn~ of the m~ht
z~n t;?our /lee2rC.
-.ffuC/lor Vn~JLOJ()JL
Below: ..,untor Autumn Vaccaro and
sen tor Rhea Wotta have a magntftcent
ttme and dance the mght away.