Page 53 - YB_1989
P. 53
The stage crew, working hard as usual.
We just can't have a play without a Man do I wi h I was graduating for real!
speech from Mr. Kistler.
Finally, a curtain call!
A different corner for another succe ful year, Mead The pian
Troupe 1142 began another busy year with the production of the one-act
play "Different Corners, "by Heather Flock. This play is a series of mono-
logues about high chool students. Troupe 1142 put on the play for conte t,
receiving an excellent at the Conference contest and the Di trict Runner-
Up. Amy Holl t received the be t actre award for the fir t time in two
years since Lisa Ed ins won the award for her role in "I ever Saw Another
Butterfly." Other ca t members included: Heidi Gehrman, Jodie Asper,
Spaced out before performance. Tiya Haga, Brenda Fick, Valerie Williams, Tye impson, Richard
Tweedy, Jason Sweeney, and Brian Edin .
In February, the Mead The pians took a two hour van ride to Grand
Island for the tate Convention. The play, "Different Corners, "was put
on again with Barry Mayfield in the place of Richard Tweedy and minus
Jodie Asper. At the Convention, the thespians attended workshop and
several plays.
Then it wa time for the Speech Conte t, where Jodie A per, Amy
Hollst, Tye Simpson, Jason Givens, Barry Mayfield, Brenda Fick, and
Valerie Williams all participated. Valerie William received fifth place at
Conference and an excellent at District in her poetry interpretation. Jason
Givens did an original public addre in which he received excellents at
Conference and Di trict. Jodie Asper gave an oral interpretation of serious
prose in which he received two excellents. Tye imp on and Amy Hollst
did a duet in which they received second place at Conference and an excel-
lent in District. The oral interpretation of drama was only performed at
the District conte t, it team members were Amy Halbmaier, Ja on Giv-
en , Brenda Fick, Barry Mayfield, and Tye imp on. They received an
excellent. The 198 -89 officers were: Pre ident-Heidi Gehrman, Vice-
President-Jodie A per, Secretary-Brenda Fick, and Historian-Amy