Page 32 - YB_1998
P. 32

The  Mead  Raiders  Boys  Basketball
     team  completed  the  season  with  mixed
     results.  The Raider's plans  to  go  to  state
    for the fourth year in a row were foiled by
    Bancroft-Rosalie  in  the  district final.
    Mead  searched  all  year for  a  consistent
    line  up, with  only one starter and  three
    letter winners  returning form  the  previ-
    ous season.  However,  Mead finished  the
    year with a record of 15 win  and 8 losses
     and was  ranked  eighth  by  the  Omaha
    World-Herald and Lincoln Journal Star in
     Class Dl.
       Season  highlights  included  a  second-    Varsity Boys Basketball:  Back Row  (I  to  r): Nick Raver, Eddie Couch, Regan  Else, Paul
     place  finish  in  the  ECNC Tournament       Thorson, David Nelson, Nick Thorson, Chris Gustafson, Zack Zicafoose. Front Row: st.
                                                   man. Josh  Moline, Jamie Haag, Adam  Miller,  Scott Becknell, Dan  Bontrager, Shawn
     and  a  win  over Tecumseh for  the  first    Havelka, st.  mans. Jason Larsen and Chris Miller. Head Coach Craig Schnitzler. AssisĀ·
     time  in  the  past five  years.  Senior Eddie   tant Coach P.J. Quinn.
     Couch  and junior Regan  Else were  both
     named  to  the  EC  C  North All-Confer-
     ence First Team. Eddie Couch ended his                                       Nick  Thorson  shows good  form
                                                                                  shooting a free throw.
     career with  the  school  record for  three
     pointers made in a  career and a  season,
     and points in a season. He also ranks sec-
     ond in assists and third in career points.
       Couch was  selected to Clas  D All-State
     Teams by  the  Omaha World-Herald,  the
     Lincoln Journal Star,  10/ 11  News,  and
     the Associated Press. He was also selected
     to  all  area  tams  by  the  Fremont and
     Wahoo papers.

                                                                                   Regan Else  proves he can handle the ball.

     Shawn Havelka decides if he should pass the ball or
     shoot it.
                                                   Paul  Thorson  gets  fouled  big-time  at
                                                   the basket.

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