Page 39 - YB_2002
P. 39

Bummer                    Peace Out                 B ling-B ling                 Chillin'

          ECLCh  Gene~ation finds Its Own Way To

                         Speak Out!

    Just as  new generations of kids   come  as  no  surprise  that  this  the time it's a substitute for some-
  come  and go,  so  do some of the   acitvity has its own terminology.  In  thing  I don't know how to say."
  words they say. It's not like they're   our  generation  you  don't just   One phrase that is unique to our
  re-writing the dictionary, they just  make  fun  of someone or rag  on  generation is  my  bad.  If someone
  use  different slang  terms  to  de-  them  as  previous  generations  makes  a  mistake  and  realizes  it,
  scribe the same things as previous   called it.  Now we dis,  burn,  or slam  they will say my  bad  instead of my
  generations.                        them.                               mistake or I was  wrong.
     Runnning  the  risk  of getting     Words  used  to  describe  other   Another phrase, peace out, seems
  some of the old timers hached  off,   things have changed over the years  to be a  compromise between our
  (mad)  it  seems  that some  of the   too.  Money is referred to as cheese  generation and previous ones. Ap-
  words  they used, or still  use, just  or cheddar, jewelry is  called bling-  parently  our  generation  didn't
  aren't tubular (cool) anymore.      bling,  and friends are referred to  think it was cool enough to just say
   One subject that each generation   as G,  homie,  dogg·, or bud.       peace  as  we  leave,  we  needed  to
  seems to develop its own slang for    Popular with our generation but  make it peace out.
  is  the  opposite  gender.  For  ex-  not popular with others is  the use   Other  words  have  made  the
  ample,  one or two generations ago   of the word lihe.                  transition from generation to gen-
  ifMr. Quinn wanted to describe a      "The word lil:e is used as a vari-  eration pretty smoothly without re-
  beautiful  girl  he  probably  would   able  whenever  kid's  don't  know  vision.  Words like cool,  sweet,  and
  have said she was foxy  or boss.   ow   what else to say," said math teacher  awesome are words that never seem
  if Chris Miner sees a good looking   Mr. Williams.                       to get old. Who knows what keeps
  girl she is hot or a babe.            Apparently his  observation  was  them popular, but whatever it is it
   Considering the amount of time     correct.                            will  probably  keep  them  around
  high  school boys  spend jokingly     "I use the word lil:e  a lot,"  said  for the next few generations to use,
  insultng  one another,  it  should   sophomore Keshia Selko. "Most of  or revise to make them unique.

                       cWh.en I see someone I 1.vunl  Lo  !             "When rm talklng  Lo  my fciends I
                       Lo  Ill suy Whals  tLp  C  because its                call thmn clogg and  Ltse  Llw  wocd
                       Lhe  moee  vJuy  Lo  suy h.i."                   light  Lo  describe  thi,ngs  dent ar-e
                              - Kixk Sake                                           -Nikki. Simon
                                     Seni.ot:                                               Junioe
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