Page 32 - YB_2004
P. 32
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Exciting Week Leads to Relaxed Dance
r Homecoming, two totally coming Week was very exciting. the candidates flying down the high-
opposite atmospheres ex &veral students participated in the way in the back of O:Jlby Schutt's
F !Steel: exciting and laid back. dress up days, which included Ha- truck trying to make our float in
Typically the girls were found out waiian Day, O:Jlor Day, Holiday time, but we ended up missing our
on the dance floor dancing the night Day, Student/T eacl1er Switch Day, float and the dance team girls had
away, whereas the guys were mosdy and Red and White Day. "For me to sprint down to the park to make
found on the sides just watching the Holiday Day was the !::est because I it in time for our dance," said senior
girls dance. "The dance was laid back dressed up as a Christmas tree and Kate Parsons.
yet exciting because most people Jaclyn Thorson and Chelsea The pep rally was anod1er inter-
danced, but you could still look over Bergman were my presents," said esting event for the candidates and
on the sides and you could see sev- sophomore Allison Leimer. for the students that had to taste
eral people sitting around," said For others, building the class the peanut butter, Tabasco sauce,
freshman 01elsea Thomsen. floats, Ceing in the parade, and even pickle juice, lemon juice, and cot-
Many agreed that the dance was the pep rally was their opportunity tage cheese mixture for the student
laid back, but several said that Home- to show school spirit. "I remember lxx:ly's entertainment.
"For me Holiday Day was the best because
I dressed up as a Christmas tree and Jaclyn
Thorson and Chelsea Bergman were my
presents." Allison Leimer.
Homecoming Royalty
Seated: Queen Kate Parsons and
King Clayton Zaugg (Standing):
Elizabeth Konecky, David
Wageman, Alex Carritt, Hannah
Glenn, Brandon Kontor, and Keshia
Dancing Queens
As senior Kate Parsons and junior
Shelby Morris walk across the dance
floor, they are caught trying to strut
their "stuff."
Student Life