Page 48 - YB_1999
P. 48
''Learning to do, doing to
learn. Learning to live, living
F the FF A organization, and this Adu111 congratulates Paul on his election to the position (!lFFA l'ice
to serve." This is the motto of
year's Mead FFA chapter did
just that.
This year Mead performed
F ceived third place at state in Jr.
well in competition. Amy re-
Public Speaking; Aaron,
Adam. Regan, and Jason re-
ceived first place in Business
Management and Land Evalu-
A ation. earning a trip to nation-
als in both competitions;
Aaron, Adam. Regan, and Paul
earned first place in Ag. Re-
sources; and others earned
state honors.
Aaron, Adam, Jason. Mark.
and Regan recieved their State
FFA degree this year after
earning over $3.000 each.
Also, the chapter was able to
earn $500 to donate to the
Densberger family.
As .fanner presidellf ofFFA. Aaron
inducts Katie as the new president.
Dave assists Mr. Miller with awards
presentations during the FFA
FFA Back Row (I tor): Kenny Scheele. Adam Petersen, Aaron Nygren, Brad Schutt, Paul Thorson. Dave Nelson,
Regan Else. Nick Raver. Middle Row (I tor): Richard Novak, Matt Johnson, Jason Lee. Mark Rasmussen. Justin
Schmidt, Shane Mo1Tis, Nick Williams, Dave Rasmussen. Adam Miller, Mr. Miller. Front Row (1 to r): Shelly
Kayla Thorson, Katie Deerson. Anneke Gustafson. Lori Rasmussen, Amy Rasmussen. Steph Marburger. Britta
44 FFA