Page 52 - YB_1999
P. 52

     Earning a letter by getting enough playing time puts Raiders
     into theM-Club. Playing time can come from football, volley-
      ball, basketball, or a placing in  track.  Being a member, they
      have  the responsibility of putting on  the Alumni Basketball
     Tourna-                                     ment .
     Running                                     t  h  e
     clock, keep-                                1  n  g
      score,  and                                getting
      the   food                                 ready is
     just     a                                  sample
     of the work                                 t  h  a  t
     goes  into                                  or g a -
      nizing  the                                tourna-
      ment.  Run-                                ning the   M-Club:  Back  Row  (l  to  r): Josh  Dahl,  Darsey  Moline,  Lindsay  Robertson
     clock  and                                  ke e p -  Jeff Schultz,  Brad  Shutt,  Nick  Williams,  Shane  Morris,  Lyle  Havelka,  Pau'
      ing  score                                 are  two   Thorson, Jason  Lee.  Thrid  Row  (I  to  r):  Brett  Malchow,  Anneke  Gustafson
                                                           Jenny  Dahl ,  Nicole  Zaugg,  Megan  Ander  on,  Hannah Taylor,  Kenny Scheele
      of the hard-                               est jobs
                                                           Adam  Peter  en,  Regan  Else,  Mark  Ras mussen,  David  Rasmussen.  Second
      A  d  a  m                                 Milleris   Row  (I  to  r):  Kelly  Konecky,  David  Nelson,  Jon  Lee,  Nick  Raver,  Jamie
      very  good  at running  both  and  consistently  offers  his  time.   Kadavy,  Shahdad  Amirfathi,  Shane  Mapes,  Justin  Schmidt,  Nate  Johnson
      "Running  the  clock has  become  easy  and  it  is actually  fun   Josh Moline,  Penny  Couch.  Front Row  (I  to  r):  Amanda Wolfe, Adam Miller
                                                           RonaJd  Novak,  Shylynne  Morris,  Kim  Stawniak,  Angie  Miller,  Sara  Koneck1
      sometimes," Adam points out.  In fact, Adam did most of the
                                                           Andrea  Gu yle,  Katie  Deerson,  Amy  Ras mussen,  Lori  Ras mussen,  Kay!.
      work setting up the clock, but had plenty of help.   Thorson.

                                                                           Office and Library Aides
                                                             Office and Library                 Aides really assist
                                                             the  school  by                    helping out the li-
                                                             brarian and secre-                 tary.  Library aides
                                                             Kris  and  Regan                   help Ms. Stotts by
                                                             putting  books                     away and placing
                                                             the  papers  in  the               paper bin.  Nick,
                                                             Hannah ,                           Penny ,a nd
                                                             Ronnie, the office                 aides,  help  Mrs.
                                                             Fick with  newsletters, organizing attendance cards, and  an-
                                                             swering phone calls.
     Office  and  Librar y  aids:  Standing  (I  to  r):  Kris  Brabec,  Ronnie  Novak,
     Hannah  Taylor,  Regan  Else,  Penny  Couch.  Sitting:  Nick  Raver.

                         Power Club
      Power Club is  a group of individuals that have worked ex-
      tremely  hard  to                    achieve a goal.
      For the  basic  ad-                  mittance  into
      PowerClub,amale                      student  must
      bench  200  lbs.,                    squat 300  lbs.,
      and  hang  clean                     175  lbs.  A fe-
      male  must  bench                    135  lbs.,  squat
      200 lbs., and hang                   clean  125  lbs.
      Lifting weights is                   very helpful for
      athletes.  There                     are  three  more
                                                           Power  Club:  Back  Row  (I  to  r):  David  Nelson,  Adam  Petersen .  Arm
      levels of the power club which are much more difficult to ob-
                                                           Curling:  (I to  r):  Jackie  Kokesh,  Adam  Miller,  Shane Mapes,  Regan  Else.
      tain: Upper limit, All State, and High School All American.   Paul  Thorson,  Theresa  Francisco
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