Page 49 - YB_1999
P. 49
Student Council
The student council has been very busy in numerous
activities throughout the school year. They sponsored numer-
ous pep ral- lies, in-
cluding the bon fire
prior to homecom-
ing, and many oth-
er through- out the
year. They also orga-
nized the homecom-
ing dance and deco-
rated the gym. They
also put to- gether a
canned food drive for
the Open Door Mis-
STUDE T COUNCIL: Seated (I to r): Eric Deerson, Andrea Guyle, Amy
sion in Omaha. The officers are pictured above and they are:
Rasmussen, Dave elson, Megan Anderson, Penny Couch, Anneke
(I tor) Megan Anderson, Andrea Guyle, Amy Rasmu sen, Dave Gustafson, Sara Konecky. Standing (I tor): Shane Morris, Shawn Havelka,
Nelson. Brad Schutt, Brett Malchow, Paul Thorson, Adam Petersen, Dave Wageman,
Jus tin Drews, Lisa Rasmussen.
Yearbook Staff
The yearbook staff has been very busy this year in
many different events. This year they were lucky enough to
h a v e Adobe
Pagemaker available for
yearbook production.
This has made the
yearbook process go
m u c h smoother, and
it also made it easier
to meet the publisher's
deadline . The hard work
of the stu- dents and
A d o b e Pagemaker
have helped make a higher quality yearbook. In addition to
the yearbook, they have also published the school newspaper
once every month.
Yearbook Staff Back Row (I to r): Adam Petersen, Jon Lee, Nick Raver,
Paul Thorson, Dave Nelson, Regan Else, Aaron Nygren, Jason Lee. Front
Row (I to r): Jenny Dahl, Tancha Montanez, Lindsay Robertson, Steph
Marburger, Nicole Zaugg, Darsey Moline.
Student council members vote on
an importalll issue during one of
their meetings.
Student Council/Yearbook Staff 45