Page 50 - YB_1999
P. 50


                      Academic Decathalon
      This year's academic decathalon team consisted of six mem-
      bers,  and  they                       were   spon-
      sored  by  Mr.                         W i 11 i am s.
      Thi    year's                          teamcompeted
      atdistrictcom-                         petition   at
      J o  h n s o  n -                      Brock,  where
      Adam Petersen                          turned  in  an
      outstanding                            performance.
      He  had  the                           highest overall
      scoreofallpar-                         ticipants.  Un-
      fo rt una tel y,                       the  competi-
      tion  was  very  tough  and  the  team  did  not  qualify  for  state
                                                             Academic Decathalon (I to r):  Aaron  Nygren, Jenny Dahl, Adam Petersen,
      competition.                                           Kenny Scheele, Katie Deerson, Nicole Zaugg.

                                                                              Odyssey of the Mind
                                                             Odyssey of the  mind  students  again  did quite well  this  year,
                                                             finishing  third                      in   regional
                                                             competition.                          Teammembers
                                                             worked hard af-                        ter  being  cho-
                                                             sen for the team                      during fall  try-
                                                             outs.  The team                       chose  a  prob-
                                                             lem  that  re-                        Jquired  them to
                                                             develop  and                          present  a  kit
                                                             that  contained                        10  lines  of
                                                             Shakespeare,                          and  element of
                                                             history,  and  a                      poster to adver-
      Odessey of the Mind Back Row (I tor):  Kevin  Rasmussen, Colby Schutt,   tise the skit.  The team came up with a skit that combined the
      Ju  tin Schultz.  Front Row (I  to  r):  Shelby Morris, Keshia Selko, Alex
      Carritt, Nikki  Simons.                                Beatles and Shakespeare's play The Taming of the Shrew.

                           Quiz Bowl
       The quiz bowl was quite popular this year.  The competition
       started out dur-                     ing  lunch  and
       the top  scorers                     went  on  to
       ECNC     and                         Peru    State
       competitions.                        The    teams
       were   spon-                         sored  by  Mr.
       Dombush.  For                        the    ECNC
       competition                           only the top six
       scorers partici-                      pated,  and  for
       the Peru  com-                        petition,  the
       top twelve par-                       ticipated.  Each
       team consisted of six players.  At Peru a team consisting of
       five guys made it to  the finals,  where they got defeated in a
       close match.

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