Page 32 - YB_2012
P. 32

r~:!!::R~R;,P&,Q~v ir

       f11ll of rnMrrls n11rl bo11ors.  Jl{fiiiJ' of tbosf
        fl11'rlrrfs fllltf fiOI/OrS flrf 11/fllliOII{'(I ill !be fflj)liOIIJ,
        b!ltlflfrf Wtt .w 'l  roollttofittbflll fill.  _f'or
        t'Xtl/11/)lf , bot/1 tbf bi;;/1 srbool bt11trl tilt  rf111ir
        r ereilwl f.rre/lntt rfltillf{S rtf Distrirts, llltiiiJ' of
        tbc solos. rillftJ. tlllfl mi.rNI ;;ro11ps  ureilwl
        f.rre/le11t flllrl Sllj)erior rflti11gs.  (')tba f!OIIors
        i11rfllrlf tbr ·!Jofllle flO/lor rf1oir /)flrtirij)rlltl s
        ('bel Sfft · ')( 11 sg rfll>t rttul · ')( irf1e/ 1  (/rt rritt.
                                                 Ri9ht Hale;
        Y11  tbe j)fl.rt we  bflrl rt  gro11/) of Sfllriellts selertetl
                                                 Koncx-k;y.  feeshmcm;
        to si11g tbe :"\(!Jtiollfll :/!11tflf'l11 fit stflte footbflll   \!idwlc Gru-cia.
        ttllt! tf1is yetrr fl  !{rOll/) S!llrlellts, .'Jorllfl e)rf11111,   SQniot~ and cltX?l
        -.JJ(irfleft• (;'rrrrirr, ('/Je!Jerr  ,j)(!lsgrrr)>e, Jo.>if   Spath, sophotn<.wc,
                                                 \Vl't'('  thnr.;cn  to
        <fwNrly, ('/1risti11rr ~"'(t;fso/1 rt11tl  Joel r::_)Prrt!IWNe
                                                 p<·t.fonn  nl tlw l ':\0
        Ollf of .fLl fitlfllist gro11/)s tllttlitio11i11g to si11g tf1e   lic•ncw  l'lnnd dfnlc•y,
        :J...C!!tio11rtl :/!11tfifm fit tbe ('ollegc ·Worlrl   and I i<>nm· Choit·
                                                 t\!ichdc and clc~.U.
        e)eries.  'lf"'Y  rlirl 11ot  Will tbe flllrlitioll , b111  witb
                                                 Clw\:-;tlna  ~cl<;<>n cuHt
        tbe J>nsltfllellf tryi11g 011!  it WttJ rtmrtzjllg to be
                                                 ChcL,m  \1 ''S'J""''
        se/ertet! for tbe top .;o. "lbis !{rOll/) flfls
        ureirerl rt  guflt riNt! of /)rfliJe from otba   th(:;  <"-X·nl  but  "'C't'('
        srf1ools for tbeir perjon11n11re.\ rrl  grllllfS rl11ri11g   unnblt!  to altcwl
                                                 l)(?<.:nus<.>  of illness
        tbe yenr.
        Btlltrlmrmbas nl so  enr11erl  sperinl
        tHO!{IIitioll.  -Yf'rt!ey ·J(o11erl{y  mfltle tflf
        ...AII·e)trtte bflllrl, ,j)(rtrie .Yf'rllll{lttllrl
        fftr11erl rr  .wperior rrt  '!Jistrirts witb /1a
        srr.\  n11tl· ')(flrgnrfl Jobi/S0/1  flllrl
        £r111 re 11  "lflyl or efl r11erl rt  e)11 paior Yri I /1
        n flute rille!. <fbe flflrrlwort ttlltl
        rlerlirntio11  of tbe.rf tnle!lterl stllrii'IIIJ
        flfls Sllrfiy j)flirl off.

                                          1\hmx·  Chei.sllnn :Y,oL.,on  nnd  C'hdsc•ct  Yfusqtu\.'C  slnq n
                                          dud nt  the sptinq <·c)nced.  I he'•  t'ec:ci.~o.x•d  n Supcti.oe
                                          outin<J at  Di.sto-ict• fot·  \'cxal Duct.
                                          -Abo.'!(>  Rt9ht: dc'nnn &hutt cmd  do!ilc 1 \o.JC'C'dy  sin9 a
                                          clnd at  the SptiiHJ Concert  rhc;·  001"11C'd  ut
                                          Su pt.>tiot· nl  Di~ttid~ CL."i  \\dl
                                          Hicjht SophotttO"' clod s, ""'J' 'l<•tt<j B!cu: k
                                          Trnln"'  by  dash 1tu1let• al the boup.\'"'SoncJ  Conced
       Ab"' Haley  Koom:ky, ft'cshman. """' sd<?<t<~<i r"'' d,c
                                          Joc.-l.  C'Cttned a Superloe rntitHJ  nt  Distrid."i  !'tw  \'ocol
       (1a....,"i  D :'\U~StntP Honot• &U\d  \'l."os aL.,o u nwdal .... ·inne1·
       f lc.kJ  plays til<'  dlll-inct
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