Page 34 - YB_2012
P. 34
1·\dov .. · Ri<jhL !.11<. &~.tu\St)l\, (•i<jhth <JtUdt.'t'. tt<X('pl~ lti~ UI.I.\U'tl
ltw qt't'Ul nllt·tHI<Utt<.'
r~do ..... \1r Dontbttl'lh {l\\'UI't.l~ l'nb..:thn ( •Ill\ ft)r lt<. t· \\ 1 (lt'k II\
hi .... tm"\
e}t11tfe11tsfrom all grades and
abilities are honored 011 this !light for
oil that they do well. The a'Wards
gi/Jen ranged from ocat!emic,
attelltfonre,fine arts, ontf mony more.
:Jt was r!ear that the st11dents at
c:J){ead :Jfigh e)rhool ore to/ en ted in
mony Woys ont! are t!eser'Ving of the
Riqht \1,· I·,n-,tcnuu shru.., an
i.n~ltle joke vJlth senloe \~\U
\~ 'i.nkdm.rut as he honm--s
Abo.-e De..•ynn Patocka. sophomot-c
a.dout't!h a.v.."'.t'tl feotn >.1e Dux.
Ri<Jht \1~ Pennell COil<J<Ululo.l0.
sophomm'C Wyatt 1\ndet'M?n on hi..<;
a'"'"'' from hi.s Ag clo.~s
Riljhl '\!c.,. Kmse, r..,t bumps S<>.'cnlh gradet• Dylo.n TO.vlor"" she gi\'cS him awaed r(!l' h.i..s exceptional woek i.n th.e tnusi..c pt'O<Jn:un tlu..<; yccu·.
30 Awaed.s