Page 33 - YB_2012
P. 33
Fx.lo'"' ,J,. HicJh (JI<>it·fhk rm< f. toR Kc.~'"ly lfollmvuy 1\c,,-t,.,. CClt-lson, Kctitlxttll Hu111 , tihdl>) Kultt',
Y{W'tJ<Hd rJo~mson, Z<Kh Pi('b\- 1 Pdh. Chetll('(.? 1\nd('!'h<..'ll, Y1ichud Kkthn, ond rJohney r\udwn;, J :r·onl tXJVV L lo R
'I ubcthu Gtm , l'tffum f)c,.,t, Y1cu1"'<l :-.:upc•litnllo, [>,uumu \t'tt·tk Tinwtln I lu<Jhcs, [..un f fulbmmet·. Wyatt
Coleona11. and Josiah 8oheialwfl
Abm'e :-.lucie ffuuklo.nd peefonns her :'\Ito Sax solo
at the speiltcJ conceel 'Y1nti.e ooened a Supceloe eLl
-A.lx""c f.~ot:m Hough plays accmnpa.nim.cnl on the CJUltat•.
He also played guitru· during pep ba11d.
1-\clo"'. f).<>:umu Widh. sNentlt gt<ulc, on the lhtte.
:1\lx~>c :-.lead !':o.nd. lkk co'" L to R Ryall Hn<Jitcs, Dylu11 Ta)'loc. f)mtuloll :-.lm-in. Joslt :-.lmi.11, Katie Leollctt<l.
and :'\111\U E,uns, eighth gm.cle, on the clut-inet, plo.y
bt ~1iddk em< L to R Lo"•eli Joh11son. Timothy Hnghes, Tiff an)' l'>e.:st, Gavin T"•eedy. Y1ichael Slobml11ik.
dnt" the annual 8onp"\''Song conccd.
dcn11a &hn tl. f.--.:m Hough. Josiah 8olu-iakoff. :-.lichad Kkthn. Kaylee CarL,oll. and Cout'llle)' :'\ndet.,.,n. 211d
~Iiddle Ro"' L to R. Haley Ko11ech, Hcma \1ayficld, :'\nnct [,uns, :-.lacldy :-.lygeel\, Llnd."'! Peat-son, Octnicl
Hul'fo.ckec, und :-.lcu·ic HcwkluncL f·mnt emv L to Ro &-oonna \t',<j<tt"t Johnsol\, u11d Lattt-en Taylor
Left !he Ylixed Ensemble of Latu'Cn Tayloe. HalO)
Konc'Ck)·· Hana \1a)-lteld. \1add)' :'-iygt'(!n. Lotoell
Johnson, and ~1ru-ic f iaukktnd oomcd an Excellent
rating at Di.slli.cts
(J[ir/rlell T'rerts!lres: rt s111ili11g
f are, a tropiral j lo1ver , a11rl a11
extra g11itrll'.
Chait' 29